About Me
There are very few things I can say about myself that can be considered a static and objective truth, except that, I am, like most human beings, always in pursuit of – (in Richard Nixon’s words) – “truth and understanding”. I attempt to live my life with the keen knowledge that no one gets out alive, ergo, we might as well play the best possible game while we can. (Jordan Peteterson). However, the manifestation of these ideals has led me to the crafts of building community, books, reading & writing, literature, history and science, running & hiking, and above all – compassion for my fellow travellers.
Much of my professional career thus far has been an active frontline exploration of the mechanisms through which public policy can influence structural changes in society as reflected in the holistic wellbeing of individuals.
Therefore, it is in relation, to the aforementioned outcome of ‘wellbeing’, that some of my non-professional interest has centred around discovering , with some specificity, the ingredients of said wellbeing.
This has formed the backbone of the bulk of my reading and writing and also partly explains my proclivity for the outdoors – wherefrom some of the seminal answers can be sought.
"Pikin wey like party rice, no suppose to fear dance'' - Pidgin Proverb
I Innovate And Bring New Possibilities In The Interior Design Of Each House
“Waymakers all have one common precept. It is that the case for contracting one’s true nature for the purpose of appeasing a largely self-involved society — is insubstantial. No one benefits from this psychic form of Seppuku. Instead, even a mere approximation of our true selves projected in a moody & distracted world — is a courageous execution of free will and a seismic act of self-love.”
I enjoy Running, Reading, Writing, Hiking and People
“So what is stopping me from stepping outside my habitual crap? My mind, my limited mind. The story of life is the story of the same basic mind readdressing the same problems in the same already discredited ways.” George Saunders